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Canadian Weather

This hour's hot and cold spots ...

Hot spot in Canada: 18.6 °C65.5 °F Pemberton Airport, BC; Stewart Airport, BC

Cold spot in Canada: -26.0 °C-14.8 °F Svartevaeg, NU

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CalgaryMostly Cloudy2°C
CharlottetownMainly Sunny2°C
FrederictonMainly Sunny11°C
HalifaxMainly Sunny5°C
IqaluitMainly Sunny-9°C
MontréalLight Drizzle7°C
Ottawa (Kanata - Orléans)Light Drizzle8°C
Prince GeorgeSunny11°C
QuébecMostly Cloudy8°C
ReginaLight Snowshower-5°C
SaskatoonLight Snow and Blowing Snow-3°C
St. John'sLight Freezing Drizzle0°C
Thunder BayPartly Cloudy10°C
TorontoMostly Cloudy11°C
VancouverMainly Sunny14°C
VictoriaMainly Sunny16°C
WinnipegLight Snowshower0°C
YellowknifePartly Cloudy0°C
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